Running update. I ran my first ever 10k race

Hi everyone.

We ran our first ever 10k race last weekend so I thought it was a good time for an update.

So we headed off for Sheffield last Sunday morning having only ran the full 10k once (which included a little walking as I had horrendous stomach ache that day) hoping that we would finish in around 1 hour 15 minutes. 
We managed to complete it in 1 hour 12 minutes and 13 seconds which we are both super proud of as there was some awful hills along the way. I think it definitely helps having lots of other people around you and we where always trying to keep the 1 hour 15 minute marker lady in our site throughout most of the run. We then decided closer to the end we could pass her and still feel like we could carry on running that pace so we did šŸ™‚

Unfortunately i am going to have to have a few weeks off now as i am finally having my gallbladder removed on Tuesday (I will be doing a post on this once i have had it done) so i will be out of action for a little while. once i am all recovered i will be back to training as i want to get up to a half marathon for next May and I would also like to get in lots more 10k races before then if I can. I would also like to start going back to the park run on a Saturday morning and speed up my time on a shorter distance run.

Here is a picture of us at the end with our medals šŸ™‚ I am very proud of my first ever medal and am hoping to add to it very soon!

I hope this motivates you to give training for a 10k or any running distance a go. If you have read my other posts you will know i started the couch to 10k running app from the start and it has been brilliant šŸ™‚

my first running post

signing up for a race

Thank you for reading.

Hannah xx

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday


14 thoughts on “Running update. I ran my first ever 10k race

  1. Well done on the 10k! I’ve got my second coming up in a few weeks (after a year long interval since my first attempt, where I actually vommed halfway round. Bad times.) Big respect for doing it round Sheff too, it’s a hilly bitch right?! #coolmumclub


  2. I soo needed to read this! I’ve been running fairly regularly for a few years on and off, and have just done my first park run. I regularly run5 miles or so and I reckon next step has to be a 10K. Seeing your medal totally inspired me – life goal, London Marathon!
    Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub – well done!


    • My life goal is London marathon too!! Can’t wait to be over this op and back on it! Definitely sign up for a 10k. It was great and I love having my first ever running medal displayed in my bedroom xx


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